• Rock
  • Toto
  • I Think I Could Stand You Forever

Toto - I Think I Could Stand You Forever download

  • Artist: Toto
  • Song: I Think I Could Stand You Forever
  • Genre: Rock
  • Length: 05:21
  • Size: 7.5MB
  • Bitrate: 192Kbps
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Download Toto - I Think I Could Stand You Forever

Top songs Toto

# Song Bitrate Length
1 Toto - Mr. Friendly 320 04:22


Kenny Hayes

2019-08-16 03:28:00 | Profile
Toto, I think I could stand you forever.....

Wen Jen Lu

2019-03-17 12:43:50 | Profile
Toto is still out there! I will buy a concert ticket any day now and this year the album "Toto XIV" was out. I am very glad too see the band live on!

Levi Carver

2019-03-16 03:57:36 | Profile
This was a Great LP goes way back

Carl Holmes

2019-03-15 09:06:22 | Profile
Who are the 5 morons who thumbs-downed this song? You need to go to a Bieber site.

Raul Richards

2019-02-17 11:57:15 | Profile
この曲とEnglish eyes,Gift with a golden gun あたりの曲調が好きだし、グラミー賞獲ったTOTOⅣよりイイ!!

Mike Walker

2019-02-17 11:45:35 | Profile
in this song in the early days you can already hear the very Special and unique style of Music they will improve year to year in the future up to the Olymp....

Kitty Kahlohr

2019-02-10 07:49:17 | Profile
Toto - think I could stand you forever and ever - thanks guys for all the great Songs...