I had the honour of making ten plush tomatoes for this video. Things did not turn out how they originally thought, but it was nice of them to work them into the video anyway.
bad things they see in me.. they cannot see themself.. you should have seen my shirt gasp and go limp, after i gasped and went limp first. like i was the only refelction left, and it not a shirt crawling accross the lawn to catch up with my naked ass.. peripheral vision extrapolated, no magnet warp necessary. break mirrors, or my shirt will never stop gasping slightly shocked upon going reflective refractive.. wisper in your friends mirrors how lies their lies look ,i think it went and works my eyes green. Refrectively. Idfk im trapped in a mirror, you know i get fly
She dances like I think I dance. She just looks good doing it, basically the same thing really.PS does anyone else see a strange resemblance to Victoria Justice (“Victorious” era) in the art studio scenes with the plaid skirt? Just the outfit, maybe the beret. Who knows.