
# Song Bitrate Length
Total songs found 15
1 Root - Ajjna 320 08:07
2 Root - Belzebub 320 06:07
3 Root - Dogra'S Empire 256 02:58
4 Root - Dygon - Monstrosity 192 04:06
5 Root - Fiery Message 320 05:08
6 Root - His Coming 320 04:43
7 Root - Kargeras Prologue 256 01:11
8 Root - Message 320 04:26
9 Root - My Deep Mystery 320 04:59
10 Root - My Name... 320 05:20
11 Root - The Temple in the Underworld 320 05:04
12 Root - The Vacant Chair - 1915 256 02:51
13 Root - The Wall 320 07:54
14 Root - Then 192 05:54
15 Root - Voices From... 192 01:34